
Interested in the Dr. Stuart H. & Sandra K. Fine Nursing Program?

Take the first step and view an information session online.

We encourage any interested student to attend- pre-nursing or otherwise! You will receive up-to-date information on the program requirements and other facets of the transition from pre-nursing to the clinical program at Montco.

Topics to be discussed
  • Admission requirements and criteria
  • Information about clinical experience
  • Standard and Advanced (LPNs)  Pathway Options
  • Tuition and Fees
  • How to apply to the program

View the 'virtual nursing information session' button below. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: To receive credit for watching the information session, please ensure you watch the entire recording, complete the questionnaire at the end and write down the questionnaire code from the presentation.

  • To receive credit for watching the information session, please ensure you watch the entire recording, complete the questionnaire at the end and write down the questionnaire code from the presentation.